Process for Variances of Zoning By Laws – Committee of Adjustment
November 4, 2014

Process though Committee of Adjustment

Process for Variances of Zoning By Laws


In order to obtain approvals for new construction, additions and renovations, it is quite common that owners need to obtain variances approved to the existing Zoning by laws on their properties.

These variances may include height, density, coverage, depth, setbacks, balcony areas, roof types, projections, landscaped space, parking, etc.

Here is a simplified list of how to move through the process.

Where to start:

Zoning Review

-Architect/Designer prepares drawings for a Zoning Review (show existing and proposed, setbacks, height density, coverage as applicable, etc)

-Apply for a new zoning review report from planning

-Obtain zoning review, shows list of items that do not comply to zoning , these become the list of requested variances 

Committee of Adjustment

-Apply to Committee of Adjustment

-Obtain hearing date

-Post notice of public hearing

-Neighbors provided notice and drawings, and interested parties are allowed to present at hearing

-Planning may provide a planning report to the committee (planner may recommend approval or refusal)

-Obtain letters of support from neighbours.

-Attend committee hearing.

-“Appeal period” until decision is final (approx. 1 month)

11-7-2015 4-27-24 PM

Committee of Adjustment