Strategy for obtaining permits for additions and internal renovations
The latest two projects involved additions and internal renovations in Toronto.
The strategy at the beginning was to obtain 2 separate building permits.
The first permits were for the internal renovation permit which essentially avoids zoning issues, due to the fact that all of the work is inside the existing building envelope.
The permit processing time is relatively quick and dealt with in the fast track permit stream.
For the addition, we go in for a zoning review request which takes several weeks, to determine in a zoning review prepared by the planners at the city that there would be variances required for density setbacks, height etc. to the city of Toronto zoning by laws. The zoning review takes into account that there are 2 zoning by laws in effect.
With the zoning report in hand, we apply to the committee of adjustment.
The Committee of Adjustment schedule has a backlog of approximately 2-3 months waiting period.
Once we have presented at the Committee and hopefully obtain approval of all of the requested variances, there is a 20 day period of appeal which gives us some time to to complete the drawings for permit and then we apply for a building permit.
With variances approved and drawings stamped by the architect and the structural engineer, the processing time is relatively quick. Usually a 5 day turnaround based on my most recent experience.